
Posts Tagged ‘bruce lynn’

from the wild / fresh water

In bruce lynn, Natalie Standiford, wild cards on February 27, 2013 at 12:28

From the wild.

Card:  Fresh Water / Bruce Lynn

bruce lynn

placed in books by Natalie Standiford

wild nat standiford

Laura stared at the chords she had within the page.  “Crap,” she thought, “this is getting me nowhere.” She strummed a few more random melodies as she thought back to the subject of her lyrics.  she missed him every day, but she knew they would see each other again someday.  The nights spent alone were tough, but she hoped this song would bring her some comfort.  As she started to put her guitar away, she heard the front door open.  “Hello?” she called out.  She turned to find him in her door frame with open arms.

Natalie Standiford

In artists, authors, bruce lynn, Natalie Standiford, returned on August 22, 2011 at 10:23

author – Natalie Standiford

card given – fresh water by Bruce Lynn



a sad beginning

life gets happier

but nothing is resolved.

full p o box and return to sender quandry

In artists, bruce lynn, darina karpov, jesse bercowetz, kimetha vanderveen, Matthew Jensen, musings, sumakshi singh on April 29, 2011 at 17:14

I was away for two months working on the draft of a new  WIP graphic novel.  It was pretty amazing and very productive.  There I met a lot of great artists who did some postcards for me that I call the Art Camp sessions. People like Darina Karpov, Jesse Bercowetz, Kimetha Vanderveen, Sumakshi Singh, and Matt Jensen.  Of course, I had no idea what was going on at home and arriving in my po box. I dared to hope that things would keep coming back.  And I was not disappointed when I went to the post office today.  I’m going to roll them out slowly so that they can be savored and it won’t be too much at once.  I just started with Bruce Lynn’s Fresh Water.  But what was great was that I got some writing back, too!  I got microtexts from some pretty amazing people  and I even got my first out in the wild shop dropped card from a total stranger!  Amazing!

Now what i have to figure out is what do I do with the few envelopes that were returned to sendered to me?  Are they OUT.  Or can I put them back in?  Three of them have wrong addresses on them.  I think I can resend them.

Also, for those who will want to see everything live and together, I have good news.  It looks like there is a great thing cooking up with the West Hollywood Book Fair to show and read what I have gotten back so far in October.  More on this later!

Fresh Water

In ariel schrag, bruce lynn, returned on April 29, 2011 at 16:47

Artist – Bruce Lynn

Words Given – Fresh Water